id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-316066-pge0vx04 Zhang, Zheng Longitudinal alteration of circulating dendritic cell subsets and its correlation with steroid treatment in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome 2005-06-16 .txt text/plain 5115 251 52 In this study, we found that 74 patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) exhibited a rapid, dramatic decrease in numbers of circulating myeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cells (mDCs and pDCs) during the first 2 weeks of illness (5.3and 28.4-fold reductions for mDCs and pDCs compared with 25 healthy individuals, respectively), with slow return to normal cell numbers during convalescence (weeks 5–7 of illness on average). A marked lymphocytopenia occurred in most patients during the acute phase of SARS, with CD4 and CD8 T-cell subsets particularly affected, and the degree of reduction of circulating T lymphocyte counts was found to be associated with disease severity, indicating that host immune functional changes are involved in the initiation and progression of SARS [3 -6] . In addition, our findings suggest that acute SARS-CoV infection may contribute to the rapid initial reduction of both circulating mDCs and pDCs. Subsequently, steroid administration, particularly at high doses over weeks, probably exacerbated and prolonged the decrease in numbers of DC subset as well as T-cell subsets. ./cache/cord-316066-pge0vx04.txt ./txt/cord-316066-pge0vx04.txt