id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-315951-5gsbtfag Kiemer, Lars Coronavirus 3CL(pro )proteinase cleavage sites: Possible relevance to SARS virus pathology 2004-06-06 .txt text/plain 3766 200 51 The general approach is still valid though, and we decided to apply this method to the problem of predicting the 3CL pro proteinase cleavage sites and identifying potential host cell target proteins. In this paper, we describe the development of a computational prediction method using artificial neural networks for predicting coronavirus 3CL pro proteinase cleavage sites. We discuss potential targets of 3CL pro proteinase, e.g. the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and translational and transcriptional factors, which may be involved in the molecular pathology of coronaviruses in general and SARS virus in particular. Another known target for viral infections is the microtubule-associated protein 4 (MAP-4) which is cleavable in HeLa cells by the poliovirus 3C pro proteinase [26, 27] . We have developed a neural network capable of identifying the cleavage site of the coronavirus proteinase 3CL pro and use this model to predict potential cleavage sites in host cell proteins. ./cache/cord-315951-5gsbtfag.txt ./txt/cord-315951-5gsbtfag.txt