id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-312340-hpuoren5 Holstein, Sarah A. Oncology Treatment in the Era of COVID‐19: We Cannot Afford to Hit the Pause Button 2020-06-02 .txt text/plain 1964 91 40 Given the expected duration of the pandemic, it is imperative that treatment of the patient's cancer remain the priority and that advances in drug development continue through appropriately designed clinical trials. Given the expected duration of the pandemic, it is imperative that treatment of the patient's cancer remain the priority and that advances in drug development continue through appropriately designed clinical trials. Despite the barriers that lead to this low rate of participation, clinical trials remain the cornerstone for improving oncology patient outcomes through the development of new therapies. To this end, there are many groups, including ASCO and the American Society of Hematology, that have created registries in order to collect data on outcomes of oncology patients infected with SARS-CoV-2. It is imperative that comprehensive immune profiling studies be performed to evaluate the immune responses in these patient populations and that oncology patients be included in COVID-19 clinical trials. ./cache/cord-312340-hpuoren5.txt ./txt/cord-312340-hpuoren5.txt