id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-307463-bheq9p5w Rödel, Franz Low-dose radiation therapy for COVID-19 pneumopathy: what is the evidence? 2020-05-09 .txt text/plain 2006 97 43 Due to the current lack of effective pharmacological concepts, this situation has caused interest in (re)considering historical reports on the treatment of patients with low-dose radiation therapy for pneumonia. Although these historical reports are of low-level evidence per se, hampering recommendations for decision-making in the clinical setting, they indicate effectiveness in the dose range between 0.3 and 1 Gy, similar to more recent dose concepts in the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory/degenerative benign diseases with, e.g., a single dose per fraction of 0.5 Gy. This concise review aims to critically review the evidence for low-dose radiation treatment of COVID-19 pneumopathy and discuss whether it is worth investigating in the present clinical situation. This situation has caused interest in (re)considering the historical treatment of patients with low-dose radiation therapy for pneumonia. This review on 15 reports covers 863 patients with severe pneumonia of K different pathogeneses, including two studies of viral origin treated with low doses of kilovoltage X-rays. ./cache/cord-307463-bheq9p5w.txt ./txt/cord-307463-bheq9p5w.txt