id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-307248-8e34ndn4 Klimek, Ludger Handling of allergen immunotherapy in the COVID‐19 pandemic: An ARIA‐EAACI statement 2020-04-24 .txt text/plain 2109 128 36 Allergen‐specific immunotherapy (AIT) is one of the most important treatment options for IgE‐mediated allergies and is based on immunological effects on the diseased patient Allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT) is one of the most important treatment options for IgE-mediated allergies and is based on immunological effects on the diseased patient. The highest risk of healthcare-associated transmission occurs in the absence of standard precautions, when primary infection prevention and control measures for respiratory infections are not in place, and when handling patients whose COVID-19 diagnoses is yet to be confirmed. Eventhough it is well established that allergic airway diseases are associated with an Highly active antiretroviral treatment has improved the immune function and life expectancy in HIV-infected patients whose respiratory allergic incidence is similar to that of the general population (33) . In patients, who recovered from COVID-19 or who are found to have a sufficient SARS-CoV-2 antibody response after (asymptomatic) disease (14), AIT can be started or continued as planned. ./cache/cord-307248-8e34ndn4.txt ./txt/cord-307248-8e34ndn4.txt