id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-304787-fohgekp4 Prazuck, Thierry Investigation of a family outbreak of COVID-19 using systematic rapid diagnostic tests raises new questions about transmission 2020-06-29 .txt text/plain 1126 75 62 1 Herein, we describe the epidemiological, clinical and biological characteristics of 30 households in close contact with SARS-CoV-2-infected members, living in a confined environment during the French national lockdown. During the 5 days before the French national lockdown, both families moved from their usual Parisian residence to a closed property in the countryside, composed by 3 neighboring houses (A, B and C) in a park. House A was inhabited by 8 persons from a single family, including 3 couples who shared their bed for at least 4 days after the onset of symptoms. The first diagnosed case was a 67-year-old man (resident #1) living in the house A and referring to the Infectious Diseases outpatient clinic on March 17 for cough, fever and asthenia for 4 days. No transmission occurred between husbands and wives in house A although couples moved to separated rooms only 4 days after the onset of symptoms of the index case. ./cache/cord-304787-fohgekp4.txt ./txt/cord-304787-fohgekp4.txt