id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-303960-86mukxg1 Rahimi, Farid Tackling the COVID-19 Pandemic 2020-04-24 .txt text/plain 1754 111 54 Barring the live-animal trade at the markets; revising the regulations and rules of customs, import or export across borders; supporting and expediting projects to develop vaccines and antiviral drugs; immediate quarantine of the involved regions; and also producing and supplying a large number of protective facemasks and preventing its stockpiling or smuggling are the main actions suggested to deal with the present or a forthcoming COVID-19 outbreak. Barring the live-animal trade at the markets; revising the regulations and rules of customs, import or export across borders; supporting and expediting projects to develop vaccines and antiviral drugs; immediate quarantine of the involved regions; and also producing and supplying a large number of protective facemasks and preventing its stockpiling or smuggling are the main actions suggested to deal with the present or a forthcoming COVID-19 outbreak. ./cache/cord-303960-86mukxg1.txt ./txt/cord-303960-86mukxg1.txt