id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-294704-prizmksg Lateef, Fatimah New paradigm for protection:: The emergency ambulance services in the time of severe acute respiratory syndrome 2004-06-16 .txt text/plain 2579 144 56 Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a newly emerging and highly infectious form of atypical pneumonia with a high rate of transmission, especially among health care workers. With SARS, certain policies had to be implemented rapidly by the emergency ambulance services and the Ministry of Health to support and protect all personnel adequately. The authors hope to share their experience in the implementation of these strategies by the Singapore Civil Defence Force and stress the importance of the psychological preparedness of the paramedics and prehospital care providers worldwide in this era of SARS. To date, a total of seven probable and five suspected cases were conveyed by the EAS out of a total of 204 patients with SARS-like signs and symptoms. With the declaration of the SARS outbreak in Singapore, the Ministry of Health designated Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH), one of the public hospitals, as the ''SARS hospital.'' All suspected and probable cases were sent and managed there. ./cache/cord-294704-prizmksg.txt ./txt/cord-294704-prizmksg.txt