id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-288153-2qsh2dlk Hays, Priya Clinical sequelae of the novel coronavirus: does COVID-19 infection predispose patients to cancer? 2020-05-27 .txt text/plain 4322 225 41 Major signaling pathways implicated in aberrant cellular growth are activated, the ensuing cytokine storm weakens the immune system response to tumors, and patients may develop cancer as a result of superimposed mutagenic and/or carcinogenic events. There may be a distinct association between novel coronavirus infection and the onset of cancer through the activation of the MAPK and JAK-STAT signaling pathways and the NF-κB transcription factor. The turning on of oncogenic signaling pathways and the acute inflammatory response that results upon coronavirus infection can be hypothesized as being cancer inducing, or leading to the risk of developing cancer, especially if the patient has a superimposed mutagenic or carcinogenic event occurring concomitantly, even if the virus does not cause a chronic infection like viruses such as HCV, HCV and EBV. Oncologic sequelae of the novel coronavirus • Viral infection induces a robust immune response, a 'cytokine storm' leading to tissue damage and inflammation, which may predispose to cancer. ./cache/cord-288153-2qsh2dlk.txt ./txt/cord-288153-2qsh2dlk.txt