id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-286015-oonfpa0c Verbeure, Birgit Patent pools and diagnostic testing 2006-01-27 .txt text/plain 4328 187 42 Recent studies have reported on the licensing practices of the owners of patents for genetic inventions [3] [4] [5] [6] , and concerns have been raised that patent thickets, resulting in royalty stacking (see Glossary), block access to patented technology through the accumulated license fees that a downstream inventor has to pay to upstream patent holders. In the late 1990s, several patent pools were formed in the electronics and telecommunications industries, starting with the moving picture experts group (MPEG)-2 pool in 1997 for inventions relating to the MPEG-2 standard (see Klein [15] and the Guidelines on the Application of Article 81 of the EC Treaty to Technology Transfer Agreements [16] . The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD; considers the concept of a patent pool to be an interesting one for biotechnology but has some doubts as to whether the technologies and markets for genetic inventions are amenable to patent pools [20] . ./cache/cord-286015-oonfpa0c.txt ./txt/cord-286015-oonfpa0c.txt