id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-285636-cs26uuwx Singh, N. K. Hitting the diagnostic sweet spot: Point-of-care SARS-CoV-2 salivary antigen testing with an off-the-shelf glucometer 2020-09-25 .txt text/plain 7858 486 53 In clinical testing, the developed assay detected SARS-CoV-2 infection in patient saliva across a range of viral loads as benchmarked by RT-qPCR within one hour, with 100% sensitivity (positive percent agreement) and distinguished infected specimens from off-target antigens in uninfected controls with 100% specificity (negative percent agreement). The major hurdle in repurposing a glucometer for direct detection of SARS-CoV-2 is that the target biomarkers (e.g., protein N and S) are present at low concentrations in biological samples The average CoVID-19 viral load in nasal/throat, sputum, and saliva samples is 3×10 6 , 7.50×10 5 , and 3.5×10 7 copies/ml 24, 25 , respectively, necessitating signal amplification to generate product (i.e. glucose) in quantities similar to physiological levels in human blood (i.e. 10-600 mg/dL or 0.6-33 mM) 21, 26 . To transduce antigen binding SARS-CoV-2 N or S protein specific biotinylated aptamer is conjugated to streptavidin coated magnetic bead (MB) and pre-hybridized with a complementary antisense oligonucleotide strand that is covalently attached to an invertase enzyme. ./cache/cord-285636-cs26uuwx.txt ./txt/cord-285636-cs26uuwx.txt