id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-283912-ha2xwjzy Zheng, Meijuan Serum inflammatory factors are positively correlated with the production of specific antibodies in coronavirus disease 2019 patients 2020-09-22 .txt text/plain 1523 78 46 5 Thus, a detailed characterization of the associations between humoral immune responses and inflammatory factors could result in a better understanding of SARS-CoV-2-host interactions in COVID-19 patients. In the current study, the levels of RBD-specific IgG, RBD-specific IgA, and the frequencies of ASCs and ICOS+ T follicular helper (TFH) cells were found to be higher in severely affected COVID-19 patients than those in nonseverely affected patients. Collectively, these results indicated that severe COVID-19 illness induced strong humoral immune responses, which is consistent with previous studies showing higher IgG titers in severe patients than in nonsevere patients. Our study showed that the severely affected patients displayed higher levels of anti-RBD antibodies, increased frequencies of ASCs and ICOS + TFH cells, and elevated levels of CXCL13. Effective control of SARS-CoV-2 requires further investigation of the mechanism underlying the correlations between humoral immunity and inflammatory factors in severe COVID-19, and the results of such studies could be used to guide immunotherapy with passive antibodies while controlling hyperinflammation. ./cache/cord-283912-ha2xwjzy.txt ./txt/cord-283912-ha2xwjzy.txt