id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-283512-qly8iclf Na, Ki Ryang Acute Kidney Injury and Kidney Damage in COVID-19 Patients 2020-07-07 .txt text/plain 3170 206 60 METHODS: From February 21 to April 24, 2020, 66 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 at Chungnam National University Hospital were analyzed; all patients underwent routine urinalysis and were tested for serum creatinine, urine protein to creatinine ratio (PCR), and urine albumin to creatinine ratio (ACR). In this study, the clinical data of 66 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 were analyzed, and the effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection on renal function and its complications were explored. Data were collected, including age, gender, initial and follow-up SCr and eGFR (chronic kidney disease [CKD]-epidemiology collaboration), routine urinalysis with microscopy, urine PCR, urine ACR, underlying disease (diabetes mellitus [DM], hypertension, CKD, and cardiovascular disease), and whether mechanical ventilation, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), or renal replacement therapy was implemented. In our study, there was a lower percentage of patients with AKI (4.5%) and moderately to severely increased proteinuria (30.3%) than in previous human coronavirus infections. ./cache/cord-283512-qly8iclf.txt ./txt/cord-283512-qly8iclf.txt