id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-277509-khvuiwl1 Hashemi, Seyyed Alireza Ultra-sensitive viral glycoprotein detection NanoSystem toward accurate tracing SARS-CoV-2 in biological/non-biological media 2021-01-01 .txt text/plain 5375 283 52 The working electrode of developed sensor is activated upon coating a layer of coupled graphene oxide (GO) with sensitive chemical compounds along with gold nanostars (Au NS) that can detect the trace of viruses in any aquatic biological media (e.g., blood, saliva and oropharyngeal/ nasopharyngeal swab) through interaction with active functional groups of their glycoproteins. Herein, we have addressed this demand via developing a rapid and highly sensitive diagnostic kit that do not require any extraction or biological marker and can detect trace of different kinds of pathogenic animal/human viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), avian influenza and Newcastle Disease Virus (LaSota and V4 strains) via active functional groups of their viral glycoproteins upon demonstration of differentiable fingerprints of each virus at diverse voltage positions. ./cache/cord-277509-khvuiwl1.txt ./txt/cord-277509-khvuiwl1.txt