id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-276969-mdry8qzv Chirumbolo, Salvatore Might the many positive COVID19 subjects in Italy have been caused by resident bat‐derived zoonotic β‐coronaviruses instead of the Wuhan (China) outbreak? 2020-03-27 .txt text/plain 865 57 50 Might the many positive COVID19 subjects in Italy have been caused by resident bat-derived zoonotic β-coronaviruses instead of the Wuhan (China) outbreak? The same authors concluded that the SARS-CoV2 in Italy might be present at least since September and October 2019, much before the claimed Wuhan outbreak. Questions may be raised, therefore, if, taking into account the genomic distance (or similarity) and the RNA-virus mutation rate, the "Italian" SARS-CoV2 might be the evolutionary balanced genotype (or strain) from a resident zoonotic spillover. 3 This should suggest that the cross-talk between evolution and epidemiology is closely intertwined, causing that the maintenance of an onward transmission might be crucially asThe issue of human coronaviruses virulence was recently addressed for SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV and some reports have outlined the role of coronavirus E protein in triggering an inflammatory response, cytokine storm, and/or inhibition of the innate immunity with dampening Th1 interferon-γ signaling. ./cache/cord-276969-mdry8qzv.txt ./txt/cord-276969-mdry8qzv.txt