id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-275495-h60x89zi Bocksberger, S. Temporäre Hyposmie bei COVID-19-Patienten 2020-05-25 .txt text/plain 1291 145 58 CONCLUSION: The data imply that a) COVID-19 can lead to hyposmia in a relevant number of patients, the incidence was approximately 30% in this cohort; b) in most cases, the olfactory disturbance was not associated with nasal obstruction, thus indicating a possible neurogenic origin; and c) the olfactory disorder largely resolved within 1–3 weeks after the onset of COVID-19 symptoms. Die im Dezember 2019 erstmalig in Wuhan, China, aufgetretene Coronaviruserkrankung (COVID-19) wird durch die Infektion mit SARS-CoV-2 ("severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2"), einem neuartigen RNA-β-Coronavirus, hervorgerufen und verursacht in einer Vielzahl von Fällen eine akute Atemwegsinfektion [1] . The data imply that a) COVID-19 can lead to hyposmia in a relevant number of patients, the incidence was approximately 30% in this cohort; b) in most cases, the olfactory disturbance was not associated with nasal obstruction, thus indicating a possible neurogenic origin; and c) the olfactory disorder largely resolved within 1-3 weeks after the onset of COVID-19 symptoms. ./cache/cord-275495-h60x89zi.txt ./txt/cord-275495-h60x89zi.txt