id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-270880-azslipmp Cozzupoli, Grazia Maria Possible Retinal Impairment Secondary to Ritonavir Use in SARS-CoV-2 Patients: A Narrative Systematic Review 2020-08-22 .txt text/plain 2813 153 44 Seven single cases and one case series, reporting a total of 10 patients affected by retinal changes secondary to long-term ritonavir treatment, were included in the review. Although a recent randomized trial [3] involving hospitalized adult patients with confirmed severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection has not shown significant benefits with lopinavir/ritonavir treatment beyond standard care, this protease inhibitor association is used in worldwide hospitals [4] . us, we conducted a narrative systematic review of the published reports describing the clinical features and imaging signs associated with ritonavirinduced retinal toxicity. Anyway, it is not illogical to hypothesize that the retinal toxic effects of both long-term hydroxychloroquine [32] and ritonavir therapies might appear also after short-term treatments, as in the case of SARS-CoV-2 patients, enhanced by the deterioration of renal and hepatic clearance function, respectively. e authors report a case of bull's eye maculopathy pattern in an HIV-positive patient, being treated with ritonavir for 13 years. ./cache/cord-270880-azslipmp.txt ./txt/cord-270880-azslipmp.txt