id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-270857-8424oq4x Hui, David S. Exhaled Air Dispersion During Oxygen Delivery Via a Simple Oxygen Mask 2007-08-31 .txt text/plain 4034 186 50 We studied the dispersion of exhaled air through a simple oxygen mask applied to a human patient simulator (HPS) during the delivery of different oxygen flow in a room free of air currents. 7 As part of our influenza pandemic preparedness, we studied the safety of oxygen therapy by examining exhaled air dispersion from a simple oxygen mask attached to a human patient simulator (HPS) during the delivery of oxygen at different levels of flow. 33 Using a laser visualization technique and a mathematical model that was different from the one used in the current study for data analysis, we have previously shown a maximal dispersion distance of approximately 0.4 m during the application of oxygen at 4 L/min via a simple mask to the HPS, which was programmed at a respiratory rate of 12 breaths/min and a tidal volume of 0.5 L. ./cache/cord-270857-8424oq4x.txt ./txt/cord-270857-8424oq4x.txt