id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-269009-0i2bvt77 D’Souza, Rohan A critical review of the pathophysiology of thrombotic complications and clinical practice recommendations for thromboprophylaxis in pregnant patients with COVID‐19 2020-08-05 .txt text/plain 3295 205 36 Should patients develop coronavirus disease (COVID‐19) pneumonia requiring hospital admission for treatment of hypoxia, the risk for thromboembolic complications increases greatly. 2 As pregnancy is a prothrombotic state, the possibility of an increased risk of thrombosis in pregnant women with COVID-19 has become an area of concern, and a number of international organiPatients with severe COVID-19 may be at risk for pulmonary thromboembolic complications through at least two distinct mechanisms -immunothrombosis and hospital-associated venous thromboembolism (VTE). 12 A recent study of patients with severe COVID-19 demonstrated a correlation between IL-6 and fibrinogen levels, 3 further supporting the theory that massive activation of the acute phase response, with increased production of coagulation factors, appears to be the predominant prothrombotic mechanism in COVID-19. A critical review of the pathophysiology of thrombotic complications and clinical practice recommendations for thromboprophylaxis in pregnant patients with COVID-19 ./cache/cord-269009-0i2bvt77.txt ./txt/cord-269009-0i2bvt77.txt