id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-268340-xwj8ge5t Ozaki, Masayuki Reducing Aerosol Generation During Ventilator Weaning in a Coronavirus Disease 2019 Patient Using a Supraglottic Airway: A Case Report 2020-05-21 .txt text/plain 1034 79 47 Substituting the endotracheal tube for a supraglottic airway (SGA), which is less stimulating to the trachea, can reduce coughing with weaning from mechanical ventilation and extubation. Substituting the endotracheal tube for a supraglottic airway (SGA), which is less stimulating to the trachea, can reduce coughing with weaning from mechanical ventilation and extubation. We conducted a weaning procedure from mechanical ventilation in advance of emergence from sedation in a patient with COVID-19 by exchanging the tracheal tube to a supraglottic airway (SGA), which is associated with fewer coughs. Reducing patients' coughing a & a pRaCtICe and avoiding this aerosol-generating procedure during tracheal extubation may reduce occupational infection. To reduce the risk of occupational infection with SARS-CoV-2 at the time of weaning from mechanical ventilation, we propose replacing the tracheal tube with an SGA such as i-gel before emergence from sedation to reduce environmental distribution of the virus. ./cache/cord-268340-xwj8ge5t.txt ./txt/cord-268340-xwj8ge5t.txt