id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-268193-xwptzgvl Wang, Tzong-Luen Establishing a clinical decision rule of severe acute respiratory syndrome at the emergency department() 2003-12-29 .txt text/plain 3218 157 50 Study objective: In the absence of reliable rapid confirmatory tests during severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) endemics, we designed a 2-phase cohort study to establish a scoring system for SARS and to evaluate whether it could improve the sensitivity and specificity of the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. Study objective: In the absence of reliable rapid confirmatory tests during severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) endemics, we designed a 2-phase cohort study to establish a scoring system for SARS and to evaluate whether it could improve the sensitivity and specificity of the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. Methods: According to the clinical characteristics and initial laboratory findings of 175 suspected cases defined by the WHO criteria (20 confirmed as cases of SARS) in 3 university teaching hospitals in Taipei between March 1 and April 20, 2003, the scoring system for SARS was designed by multivariate analysis and stepwise logistic regression as the simple arithmetic sum of point values assigned to 7 parameters. ./cache/cord-268193-xwptzgvl.txt ./txt/cord-268193-xwptzgvl.txt