id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-267587-hag6qydb Lau, Susanna K.P. Engineering Coronaviruses to Evaluate Emergence and Pathogenic Potential 2016-04-16 .txt text/plain 1977 107 46 A recent study provides a platform for generating infectious coronavirus genomes using sequence data, examining their capabilities of replicating in human cells and causing diseases in animal models, and evaluating therapeutics and vaccines. A recent study provides a platform for generating infectious coronavirus genomes using sequence data, examining their capabilities of replicating in human cells and causing diseases in animal models, and evaluating therapeutics and vaccines. [1] and another similar study in Nature Medicine published in December 2015 by the same group [2] reported the use of existing sequence data with reverse genetics to engineer SARS-related CoVs and evaluate their potential of emergence and pathogenicity. In order to predict whether a SARS-related bat CoV, named WIV1-CoV, discovered in Chinese horseshoe bats in Yunnan [6] , had the potential to emerge in humans, Menachery et al. employed can be used for evaluating the emergence and pathogenic potential of other CoVs. Before the SARS epidemic, fewer than 10 CoVs with complete genome sequences were available. ./cache/cord-267587-hag6qydb.txt ./txt/cord-267587-hag6qydb.txt