id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-265697-bbvlowyo Sang, Eric R. Integrate structural analysis, isoform diversity, and interferon-inductive propensity of ACE2 to predict SARS-CoV2 susceptibility in vertebrates 2020-08-31 .txt text/plain 7298 333 46 Previous reports using structural analysis of the viral spike protein (S) binding its cell receptor of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), indicate a broad potential of SARS-CoV2 susceptibility in wild and particularly domestic animals. In addition to showing a broad susceptibility potential across mammalian species based on structural analysis, our results also reveal that domestic animals including dogs, pigs, cattle and goats may evolve ACE2-related immunogenetic diversity to restrict SARS-CoV2 infections. (C) We also detected several short ACE2 isoforms (underlined) in the domestic animals including dog, pig, goat and cattle, which have an N-terminal truncation spanning 10-13 key residues in the contacting network to S-RBD but keeping the enzyme active sites (indicated by Yellow triangles), thus resulting in little engagement by the viral S protein and predicting an unexpected evolutionary advantage for relieving potential COVID-19 risk caused by the viral engagement and functional distortion on the classical long ACE2 isoforms in these animal species. ./cache/cord-265697-bbvlowyo.txt ./txt/cord-265697-bbvlowyo.txt