id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-264970-232stxxo Testa, Sophie Switch from oral anticoagulants to parenteral heparin in SARS-CoV-2 hospitalized patients 2020-04-15 .txt text/plain 1421 67 28 The development of COVID-19 syndrome in anticoagulated patients, and especially their admission to intensive-care units with acute severe respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2), expose them to specific problems related to their therapy, in addition to those associated with the acute viral infection. In consideration of the pharmacological characteristics of oral anticoagulant drugs, the multiple pharmacological interactions due to the treatment of acute disease and the possible necessity of mechanical ventilation with hospitalization in intensive-care units, we suggest replacing oral anticoagulant therapies (VKA and DOAC) with parenteral heparin to avoid the risk of over/under treatment. In consideration of the pharmacological characteristics of oral anticoagulant drugs, the multiple pharmacological interactions due to the treatment of acute disease, and the possible necessity of mechanical ventilation with hospitalization in intensive-care units, we suggest replacing oral anticoagulant therapies (VKA and DOAC) with parenteral low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) or unfractionated heparin (UH) to avoid the risk of over/under treatment. ./cache/cord-264970-232stxxo.txt ./txt/cord-264970-232stxxo.txt