id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-260981-647wfa8z Torti, Lorenza Impact of SARS CoV-2 in Hemoglobinopathies with Immune Disfunction and Epidemiology. A Protective Mechanism from Beta Chain Hemoglobin Defects? 2020-07-01 .txt text/plain 1291 83 54 A novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has rapidly overspread infecting in few months all continents and representing a medical emergency, with 20% of patients with severe clinical manifestations. 2 The transcribed, non-structural SARS-CoV-2 proteins ORF 8, 3a, and 10 play critical roles during infection (viral replication) and disease pathogenesis (stimulate NF-kB mediated inflammation and immune responses). Of the 105 patients who were in contact with the infected staff, only 7 reported symptoms, all mild, in the two months surveillance, and only 1 of the 7 tested positive on the swab. The SARS-CoV-2 positive patient, a female aged 59 with Beta-Thalassemia Major(TM)(IVS-6/745) received a transfusion on March 5, and after being notified, called the hospital on March 21 reporting mild temperature (37 o C). So, our case of SARS-CoV-2 infection in TM patient was revealed during an endemic outbreak, which involved 24 symptomatic HCPs out of a staff of 52. Recently a multicentric Iranian experience of 18350 Beta-thalassemic patients (only fifteen confirmed cases) reported mild to moderate disease of COVID-19. ./cache/cord-260981-647wfa8z.txt ./txt/cord-260981-647wfa8z.txt