id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-252574-7oh0k139 Nicastro, Emanuele A Pediatric Emergency Department Protocol to Avoid Intra-Hospital Dispersal of SARS-CoV-2 during the Outbreak in Bergamo, Italy 2020-04-21 .txt text/plain 1594 88 41 In Lombardy, the main outbreak of the infection was located in a community hospital in the Bergamo province, suggesting that the community spread of the infection probably arose from a large cohort of subjects who were in contact with SARS-CoV-2 infected patients attending health care facilities, and who were probably unrecognized at that time., so far pediatric services have not experienced the COVID-19 To address these issues, we developed a protocol addressing reception, risk-management and hospitalization of suspected SARS-CoV-2 cases at the pediatric emergency department and medical-surgical units aimed at containing intra-hospital transmission of the infection, considering that currently our hospital is the largest referral site in the primary outbreak area in Italy. Suspected COVID-19 patients requiring hospitalization are managed by health care personnel (HCP) using personal protective equipment (PPE) (FFP2/N95 respirator + eye protection goggles or face shield + 5 isolation gowns + face mask + gloves), who perform the acquisition of an NP/OP swab for SARS-CoV-2 real time-PCR testing. ./cache/cord-252574-7oh0k139.txt ./txt/cord-252574-7oh0k139.txt