id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-190207-en96o8zo Jim'enez-Avalos, Gabriel M. High-Throughput Virtual Screening of 4487 flavonoids: New insights on the structural inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease 2020-08-30 .txt text/plain 6206 346 53 title: High-Throughput Virtual Screening of 4487 flavonoids: New insights on the structural inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Here, a PAIN-filtered flavonoid database was screened against four sites of the protease: a free (normal) conformation of the Substrate Binding Site (NSBS), an induced-fit state of the SBS (ISBS), a Dimerization Site (DS) and a Cryptic Site (CS). In the case of SBS, the top 30 ligands with the lowest binding energies from NSBS and ISBS were contrasted and the ones present in both lists were selected as the final candidates. Each putative binding site had its respective solvent-accessible surface area (SASA) found in PyMol v.2.4 (44) , using as input the hydrogen-curated structure of M PRO obtained before. A previous study on SARS-CoV-1 3CL PRO reported two glycosylated flavonoids as inhibitors, whose sugar moieties interacted with the active sites's S1 and S2 subsites through hydrogen bonds (31) . ./cache/cord-190207-en96o8zo.txt ./txt/cord-190207-en96o8zo.txt