id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-027253-wfmm7naa Nag, Pooja Optical Fiber Sensors for Rapid Screening of COVID-19 2020-06-19 .txt text/plain 1710 94 45 The article provides an overview of evanescent wave absorbance and localized surface plasmon resonance-based optic fiber platform for potential screening of COVID-19. Two alternative approaches for viral infection diagnostics are possible and practiced: the first involves serological investigations for measurement of elevated biomarker levels, for example, measurement of immunoglobin M (IgM) and immunoglobin G (IgG), while the second involves direct determination of the virus itself, utilizing its unique cellular proteins. This report explores the possible approaches of development of a point of care, low-cost evanescent wave absorbance (EWA)-based optical fiber sensor for quick and specific diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2. The wave is very sensitive to changes in refractive index at the interface and this property is utilized to develop EWA-based fiber optic sensors. While Fig. 3b has specific surface proteins (of the virus) immobilized on the optical fiber for detection of IgG and/or IgM (produced as an immune response). ./cache/cord-027253-wfmm7naa.txt ./txt/cord-027253-wfmm7naa.txt