id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-017942-og0b2l6b Chen, Yi-Da Incorporating Geographical Contacts into Social Network Analysis for Contact Tracing in Epidemiology: A Study on Taiwan SARS Data 2007 .txt text/plain 3673 201 48 title: Incorporating Geographical Contacts into Social Network Analysis for Contact Tracing in Epidemiology: A Study on Taiwan SARS Data In this research, we use Taiwan SARS data to investigate the differences in connectivity between personal and geographical contacts in the construction of social networks for these diseases. In 1985, Klovdahl [6] used AIDS as an example to illustrate the usefulness of Social Network Analysis (SNA) in studying the transmission of an infectious disease. However, from these two studies, we can see that incorporating geographical contacts into SNA provides us a good way to find potential connections among patients and to see the role that those geographical locations play in disease outbreaks. The studies of SNA in epidemiology primarily use personal contacts to construct social networks and model the transmission of diseases. In this research, by using Taiwan SARS data as the test dataset, we further investigate the differences in connectivity between personal and geographical contacts in the network construction for these diseases. ./cache/cord-017942-og0b2l6b.txt ./txt/cord-017942-og0b2l6b.txt