id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-015183-1eytelxn Walgate, Robert Latest SARS evidence 2003-04-07 .txt text/plain 1055 68 71 The outbreak of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) that originated in China is, with "95-97% certainty," caused by a completely new type of coronavirus, according to Julie Hall, who is responsible for the World Health Organization's Global Alert, Response and Operations Network. In patients, we'd also like to see the curves of IgM [specific to this virus], to show people have an acute response, and then IgG, which takes two to three weeks to level up, and stays with you, to show that it wasn't just a passing extraneous infection." Moreover "We have lots of blood samples to test this in now," Hall said, so the results should not be long coming. Günther said he and Drosten had isolated three short DNA sequences from the coronavirus in a tissue sample from the "index case" (first case) of SARS in Germany, by a random amplification, lowstringency PCR approach. ./cache/cord-015183-1eytelxn.txt ./txt/cord-015183-1eytelxn.txt