id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-004634-pkrxiipo Brun-Buisson, Christian SARS: The challenge of emerging pathogens to the intensivist 2003-05-08 .txt text/plain 1206 58 53 In late February 2003, the WHO issued a worldwide public health alert on the emergence of a new epidemic of acute respiratory disease first identified in Asian countries since November 2002. In a few weeks, the new agent causing this "severe acute respiratory syndrome" (SARS), a coronavirus, has been identified, sequenced, and tests have been developed for diagnosis [1] . As of the end of April 2003, about 5,000 suspected or probable cases have been reported to the WHO from 27 countries [2] , with a vast majority from inland China (57% of reported cases), which appears to be at the origin of the epidemic, and Hong Kong (32%). In North America, however, an outbreak soon occurred in Toronto, Canada, following an household epidemic which appeared secondary to contamination of a Canadian resident of Asian origin who visited relatives in Hong Kong in February 2003 [3] . Affected areas-severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) A Major Outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in Hong Kong ./cache/cord-004634-pkrxiipo.txt ./txt/cord-004634-pkrxiipo.txt