id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-315367-e0frkhe6 Du, Houwei The effect of vascular risk factor burden on the severity of COVID-19 illness, a retrospective cohort study 2020-09-21 .txt text/plain 3651 199 48 After adjustment for age, sex, and comorbidities as potential confounders, vascular risk factor burden remained associated with an increasing risk of severe COVID-19 illness. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with increasing vascular risk factor burden have an increasing risk of severe COVID-19 disease, and this population might benefit from specific COVID-19 prevention (e.g., self-isolation) and early hospital treatment measures. We therefore investigated the association between the number of vascular risk factors and severe COVID-19 disease in this observational retrospective study. Previous studies also showed individual vascular risk factors such as hypertension and diabetes were more frequent in severe COVID-19 patients [3, 14] . Association between vascular risk factor burden and severe COVID-19 illness adjusted for comorbidity, and sensitivity analyses using the E-value approach. Association between vascular risk factor burden and severe COVID-19 illness adjusted for laboratory and chest CT findings, and sensitivity analyses using the Evalue approach. ./cache/cord-315367-e0frkhe6.txt ./txt/cord-315367-e0frkhe6.txt