id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-310195-am3u7z76 Waller, J. Immunity Passports for SARS-CoV-2: an online experimental study of the impact of antibody test terminology on perceived risk and behaviour 2020-05-10 .txt text/plain 4813 281 55 Objective: To assess the impact of describing an antibody-positive test result using the terms Immunity and Passport or Certificate, alone or in combination, on perceived risk of becoming infected with SARS-CoV-2 and intention to continue protective behaviours. Conclusions: Using the term Immunity (vs Antibody) to describe antibody tests for SARS-CoV-2 increases the proportion of people believing that an antibody-positive result means they have no risk of catching coronavirus in the future, a perception that may be associated with less frequent hand washing. This study was designed to test two hypotheses: describing a test indicating the presence of antibodies using the term Immunity (vs Antibody), and describing test results as Passports or Certificates (vs Test), increases the likelihood that those with this test result erroneously perceive they have no risk of becoming infected in the future with coronavirus. . doi: medRxiv preprint Primary outcome Proportion of participants perceiving an antibody-positive test result to mean no risk of catching coronavirus in the future, assessed in response to a question with four response options. ./cache/cord-310195-am3u7z76.txt ./txt/cord-310195-am3u7z76.txt