id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-266965-fdxq45rx Rakofsky, Jeffrey J. A Virtual Standardized Patient–Based Assessment Tool to Evaluate Psychiatric Residents’ Psychopharmacology Proficiency 2020-07-17 .txt text/plain 4658 219 40 Test scores were based on the proportion of correct responses to questions asked by the virtual patient about possible side effects, dosing, and titration decisions, which depended upon the patient's tolerability and response to the learner's selected medications. The validation paradigm included a novice-expert performance comparison across 4th year medical students, psychiatric residents from all four post-graduate year classes, and psychiatry department faculty, and a correlational analysis of simulator performance with the PRITE Somatic Treatments subscale score. Herein, we report on a virtual standardized patient (VSP)-based psychopharmacology simulator developed to provide a summative assessment of the learner's ability to initiate medication, adjust doses, and manage the emerging side effects in a patient with treatment-resistant major depressive disorder. The participant groups include the trainees (medical students and residents) and faculty members who completed the virtual standardized patient assessment virtual standardized patient is reasonably similar to the outpatient psychiatry experience" was rated in the neutral to agree range, supporting the authenticity of the simulator. ./cache/cord-266965-fdxq45rx.txt ./txt/cord-266965-fdxq45rx.txt