id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-265425-b2ryvctp Chong, Alice Radiology Residency Preparedness and Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic 2020-04-11 .txt text/plain 3462 144 37 The aim of this article is to provide specific guidance for radiology residency program leadership to prepare and respond to residency-related impact from the pandemic, with focus on safety and education. At the Stage 3 pandemic emergency status, while requirements such as adequate resources and training (including infection protection), adequate supervision, and work hour requirements are in effect, other common program requirements and specialty-specific program requirements are suspended for ACGME-accredited programs to allow for the flexibility of physicians in the clinical care settings. To promote physical/social distancing, ensure the safety of residents, and allow for adequate reserve capacity, a number of residency programs, such as the University of California San Diego (UCSD) in California (resident number= 41 in diagnostic radiology, 10 in interventional Radiology) and Virginia Mason Medical Center (VMMC) in Seattle, Washington (resident number= 12 in diagnostic radiology) have divided the residents into two clinical groups, with one group reporting to clinical service, and the other assigned to home/distance learning; the two groups alternate every other week (one week on, one week off.) The resident group assigned to home/distance learning may be pulled to cover a resident on clinical rotation who becomes ill or needs to be quarantined. ./cache/cord-265425-b2ryvctp.txt ./txt/cord-265425-b2ryvctp.txt