id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-104462-1eppgxo2 Brungardt, Joseph G. Impact of COVID-19 Within a Midwestern General Surgery Residency 2020-07-10 .txt text/plain 969 53 45 1 Besides large-scale restructuring from "stay at home" directives and other measures, the Department of Surgery at the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City implemented several measures and procedures to limit staff exposure, continue surgical care throughout the hospital, and create opportunities for learning for its surgical residents. Self-directed learning from question banks, textbooks, and literature review continues to be the crux of surgical resident education, with possibly more time available as surgical case load and clinical schedules lighten. To limit exposure further, the mid-level resident assumed responsibility for all patient contact in traumas, with the intern or senior available as a backup. The clinical education of our residents has continued, though at a distinctly decreased volume and pace, with the silver lining being in the care of the patients. As the stay-at-home orders begin to lift and elective surgeries begin to resume, it is difficult to predict the lasting impact this time will have on surgical resident education. ./cache/cord-104462-1eppgxo2.txt ./txt/cord-104462-1eppgxo2.txt