id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-327744-5k8np850 Munteanu, Cristian Robert Multi-target QPDR classification model for human breast and colon cancer-related proteins using star graph topological indices 2009-03-21 .txt text/plain 4738 277 57 In conclusion, we shown that, using simple input data such is the primary protein sequence and the simples linear analysis, it is possible to obtain accurate classification models that can predict if a new protein related with two types of cancer. The primary protein sequence is transformed in connectivity star graph's TIs that are used by a statistical linear method in order to construct an input-coded multi-target classification model. The best classification model predicted the probability of presence in HBC/HCC cancer for any of these mutated proteins and the results were analysed with two-way joining clustering analysis method (tw-JCA) from STATISTICA (StatSoft.Inc., 2002). This study is proposing two cancer/non-cancer input-coded multi-target classification models for HBC and HCC using the star network TIs of the protein amino acid sequences. ./cache/cord-327744-5k8np850.txt ./txt/cord-327744-5k8np850.txt