id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-316718-7gtgqmcn Murphy, D. L. Occupational Exposures and Programmatic Response to COVID-19 Pandemic: An Emergency Medical Services Experience 2020-05-24 .txt text/plain 3697 203 51 We reviewed dispatch, EMS, and public health surveillance records to evaluate the temporal relationship between exposure and programmatic changes to EMS operations designed to identify high-risk patients, protect the workforce, and conserve PPE. Ideally, EMS strategies would incorporate COVID-19 risk assessment and target use of the limited PPE resource in order to achieve EMS provider safety, extend the supply of PPE, and support high-quality patient care. Of the 700 unique EMS providers caring for patients with confirmed COVID-19, 3 (0.4%) tested positive during the 14 days following an encounter (Table 3 ), yet none of these three had a documented occupational exposure. The series of practice changes involving dispatch advisement, patient COVID-19 risk criteria, and initial EMS scene deployment were associated with a temporal increase in adequate PPE use and conversely a decrease in EMS provider exposures (Figure 2, p<0.01) . ./cache/cord-316718-7gtgqmcn.txt ./txt/cord-316718-7gtgqmcn.txt