id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-271048-tq1sk01g Ellis, R. Operating during the COVID-19 pandemic: How to reduce medical error 2020-04-13 .txt text/plain 1681 101 55 Many surgical colleagues are being trained in managing unwell patients suffering with coronavirus on the wards, others have been supporting emergency departments and intensive care units. Despite covering an increasing number of patients admitted with COVID-19, surgeons will still be dealing with emergency surgical admissions and will continue to operate on emergency cases. In light of these new and unfamiliar challenges, there are resources available to help surgeons revise their knowledge of acute medicine and receive updates on COVID-19 via webinars 5, 6 ; critical care websites with up to date guidelines and handbooks (such as the intensive care society:; Systemic Training in Acute Illness Recognition and Treatment for Surgery (START) course, that includes a human factors presentation, on the RCS website; Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons course (NOTSS) presentations are available on the RCS Edinburgh website ( to both members and non-members. ./cache/cord-271048-tq1sk01g.txt ./txt/cord-271048-tq1sk01g.txt