id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-261993-u2a26brw Kim, Yonghyan Stability of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus on Fomite Materials at Different Temperatures 2018-02-13 .txt text/plain 3873 189 52 A more sensitive immunoplaque assay was able to detect virus from Styrofoam, metal, and plastic at 20 days post application, representing a 3-log loss of input virus on fomite materials. Virus recovery from surfaces of Styrofoam, nitrile gloves, aluminum foil, Tyvek ® coverall, metal, rubber, plastic, cardboard, and cloth showed no significant differences between the materials at RT, suggesting that storage temperature had a substantial influence on virus survival. Quantifiable viral RNA was detected in Styrofoam, Tyvek, and cardboard materials, although infectious PEDV titer decreased by 3 to 4 logs at 4 °C after 20 days. Quantifiable viral RNA was detected in Styrofoam, Tyvek, and cardboard materials, although infectious PEDV titer decreased by 3 to 4 logs at 4 °C after 20 days. Survivability of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (pedv) in bovine plasma submitted to spray drying processing and held at different time by temperature storage conditions ./cache/cord-261993-u2a26brw.txt ./txt/cord-261993-u2a26brw.txt