id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-348578-chfb4i15 Bulman, Julie C. Transitioning the IR Clinic to Telehealth: A Single-Center Experience during the COVID-19 Pandemic 2020-06-30 .txt text/plain 3327 159 46 Telehealth has not previously been widely implemented as a result of regulatory and reimbursement concerns; however, in the current national emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has relaxed many of its rules, allowing increased adoption of telehealth services, improving the safety and access of outpatient health care. At the time of writing, current outpatient video telehealth Current Procedural Terminology codes are billed the same way as if the visit were conducted in person and are reimbursed the same by CMS. Therefore, when making a visit appointment, the clinic staff is responsible for asking patients if they have access to the equipment needed for a video virtual visit and providing detailed written and verbal instructions for setup (Appendices C,D [available online on the article's Supplemental Material page at]). Trainee and attending physicians can join their video or telephone visit at the same time with the patient. ./cache/cord-348578-chfb4i15.txt ./txt/cord-348578-chfb4i15.txt