id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-329727-h47q76y8 Sisó-Almirall, Antoni Prognostic factors in Spanish COVID-19 patients: A case series from Barcelona 2020-08-21 .txt text/plain 3441 201 53 CONCLUSION: Determining the clinical, biological and radiological characteristics of patients with suspected COVID-19 infection will be key to early treatment and isolation and the tracing of contacts. Therefore, this study aimed to describe the clinical, biological and radiological manifestations, the evolution, treatments and mortality rate of patients with COVID-19 infection in the population of Barcelona city and determine the most important predictors of a poor prognosis. Signs and symptoms, the main available haematological and biochemical data and the results of imaging tests were recorded, as were comorbidities, the evolution, the hospitalization rate, intensive care unit (ICU) admission and the treatments received. This study summarizes the clinical, biological and radiological characteristics, evolution and prognostic factors of patients with COVID-19 disease in primary and community healthcare. In bold, statistically significant independent predictive factors associated with hospitalization, death or ICU admission (logistic multivariate regression adjusted for age and sex). ./cache/cord-329727-h47q76y8.txt ./txt/cord-329727-h47q76y8.txt