id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-300044-vn4c6wh7 Kim, Ji Won From White Count to White Out() 2015-08-05 .txt text/plain 2848 182 43 Rare causes, such as pneumonia from atypical agents from an undiagnosed immunodeficiency, congenital heart disease, methemoglobinemia, and pulmonary malformations, should be entertained as possible components of the differential diagnosis in the ED. In this child, the differential diagnosis narrows significantly to a pulmonary etiology in a patient who had infiltrates on chest radiograph and whose respiratory distress and hypoxia responded readily to supplemental oxygen, making the diagnosis of congenital heart disease unlikely. Viral bronchiolitis typically presents with upper respiratory symptoms followed by lower respiratory infection resulting in wheezing and rales in children younger than two years of age. 1 Pneumonia is another common cause of hypoxia and respiratory distress in children and can be the result of both bacterial and viral infections. 6, 7 PCP is one of the opportunistic infections with which patients with Hyper IgM syndrome may present. ./cache/cord-300044-vn4c6wh7.txt ./txt/cord-300044-vn4c6wh7.txt