id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-289054-fh95b5n4 Au Yong, Phui S. Reducing droplet spread during airway manipulation: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore 2020-04-15 .txt text/plain 1181 77 53 E-mail: Keywords: airway management; COVID-19; extubation; infection control; intubation; operating room; prevention EditordCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization 1 on March 11, 2020 because of its rapid worldwide spread. 2 Airway manipulation poses a high risk of viral transmission to humans within close contact because of the proximity of the respiratory secretions that can aerosolise from coughing and gagging. The Singapore General Hospital instituted guidelines for airborne and contact precautions, including (i) environmental, reducing staff during airway manipulation, regular disinfection and sterilisation, sufficient air exchange time; and (ii) personal protective equipment (PPE). The main aim of constructing a tent or screen is that, if the patient coughs/gags during intubation, secretions will land under the sheet. A videolaryngoscope and tracheal tube can be passed under the plastic tent for intubation. Alternatively, Supplementary Fig 4 shows the use of a large plastic screen for intubation. ./cache/cord-289054-fh95b5n4.txt ./txt/cord-289054-fh95b5n4.txt