id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-279299-5djtiomq CAO, HUI-FANG A confirmed severe case of human infection with avian-origin influenza H7N9: A case report 2014-12-30 .txt text/plain 2563 127 45 The day after admission to the Jingnan District Centre Hospital of Shanghai (Shanghai, China), the patient was diagnosed with severe H7N9 avian influenza infection by nasopharyngeal swab and blood sampling detection. In the present study, the patient exhibited a rapid deterioration; however, a diagnosis of H7N9 avian influenza was only confirmed after five days of continuous fever. Considering the initial diagnosis of severe pneumonia complicated with type I respiratory failure, the patient was administered oxygen therapy and methylprednisolone to reduce the systemic inflammatory response, and biapenem (0.6 g twice daily, i.v) and azithromycin (0.5 g/day, i.v) were applied as anti-infective agents. Combining the epidemiological history and the rapid progression in the pulmonary lesions of the patient (Fig. 3) , a diagnosis of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza was considered. ./cache/cord-279299-5djtiomq.txt ./txt/cord-279299-5djtiomq.txt