id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-252981-hywvmdjb Lockey, Stephen D. What’s Important: What Is Our Role in the COVID-19 Pandemic? 2020-04-10 .txt text/plain 907 45 56 The public health campaign encouraging social distancing must also provide tips for remaining safe from physical harm. The public must consider 2 important consequences of a trip to the emergency department in today's climate in addition to the harm created by the injury itself: (1) as the virus spreads, they are putting themselves at risk of exposure as providers triage and care for those with the disease; and (2) the time and resources it takes to care for injuries will create additional strain on our hospital system. With more than 25,000 orthopaedic surgeons in practice in the United States 1 caring for patients of all ages and demographics, there are specific steps we can take in order to help the public prevent hospital visits and take extra precautions to remain safe while social distancing. ./cache/cord-252981-hywvmdjb.txt ./txt/cord-252981-hywvmdjb.txt