id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-029884-zl0uqmfi Horowitz, Robert K. MVP (Medical situation, Values and Plan): A memorable and useful model for all Serious Illness Conversations 2020-07-30 .txt text/plain 3481 260 61 This step explores the patient's beliefs, goals, ideology, narrative, hopes, fears, and communication, informational and decision-making preferences in the context of the now-understood medical situation. An effective SIC requires the clinician to honor patient and family autonomy and personhood by: ensuring their assent to answer questions and receive information; tailoring that information to their needs, abilities, and preferences, as well as the situational urgency; valuing and learning their history and experience; informing them to the extent possible, reasonable and desired; and ensuring their centrality to the shared decision-making process. �I admire your courage in discussing this hard stuff.�Now that I understand your values, I'd like to offer a recommendation, okay?�If your breathing deteriorates I suggest we� (ex.,take resuscitation off the table, and treat your symptoms at home�OR�offer a time-limited ventilator trial�OR�)�Does this make sense? ./cache/cord-029884-zl0uqmfi.txt ./txt/cord-029884-zl0uqmfi.txt