id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-282858-zikoui4h Graudenz, Gustavo Silveira SARS-CoV-2. Long Distance Airborne Transmission and its Public Health Implications 2020-11-02 .txt text/plain 1665 87 42 Its predecessor, SARS-CoviD-1, the agent that caused Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in Hong Kong in 2003, showed strong evidence of opportunistic airborne transmission in different environments, such as collective housing environments (8) , indoor environments such as airplanes (9), and health service institutions (10) . (12) that suggested transmission of SARS-CoV-2 through infected surfaces and contaminated individual protection equipment as well as long distance environment contamination. In health care settings, the Center for Disease Control's recommendations for prevention of airborne transmission include maintaining a negative pressure environment, fine filtering of exhaust air from infected patients' rooms, maintaining high air exchange rates (12 air exchanges per hour), shutting recirculation ducts, and establishing pressure cascades (2) in these settings until further evidence of long distance transmission is obtained Unfortunately, these precautionary measures have not yet been applied in most health care facilities in Brazil. Evidence of Airborne Transmission of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Virus ./cache/cord-282858-zikoui4h.txt ./txt/cord-282858-zikoui4h.txt