id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-255314-mqexsqzj Hersen, Guillaume Impact of Health on Particle Size of Exhaled Respiratory Aerosols: Case‐control Study 2008-04-29 .txt text/plain 3323 213 56 title: Impact of Health on Particle Size of Exhaled Respiratory Aerosols: Case‐control Study A setup composed of a modified hood connected to an electrical low pressure impactor, which allows for the study of a wide range of particle sizes (from 7 nm to 10 μm), has been developed in order to collect exhaled breaths. As a consequence, further research on the exhaled breath should be undertaken with symptomatic volunteers and would require the analysis of this wide range of particle sizes. In particular, it is not possible at present to determine the impact of volunteer health on the particle size of exhaled respiratory aerosols. The experimental approach consisted of firstly developing a system that allows measurement of fine particles exhaled from a greater numbers of volunteers (78 individuals), with and without, symptoms. Following this, the size differences between aerosols emitted by symptomatic volunteers and controls were determined. ./cache/cord-255314-mqexsqzj.txt ./txt/cord-255314-mqexsqzj.txt