id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-032161-sbtu48c2 Xu, Zhonglin Particle and Size Distribution 2013-08-07 .txt text/plain 8170 531 65 • The summit point can be obtained from the lognormal distribution curve of light scattering probably depends on the particle area or volume; when the problem is related to the light refraction property, arithmetic average diameter D 1 should be used, because this property depends on the dimension of particle length. If particle diameters follow normal distribution, a straight line will be obtained when the abscissa represents the particle size and the ordinate means the cumulative distribution frequency. If particle size distribution is quite different from normal distribution, such as an extreme case shown in Fig. 1 .23 which represents the sampled particle size distribution curve in the cleanroom air, large deviation could be found when the lognormal probability graph paper is plotted. ./cache/cord-032161-sbtu48c2.txt ./txt/cord-032161-sbtu48c2.txt